Saturday, November 16, 2013

Avoiding Falls at Home: Tips for Breaking the Cycle

Understanding fall risk at home

Falls are a real concern for seniors
It's estimated that one out of three adults age 65 and older fall each year, and fall rates increase sharply as we get older.

Furthermore, many of those falls cause serious injury: wrist, hip or vertebra fracture – and sometimes, even death.

And falls can sometimes take away independence from older adults, often resulting in an undesired move to a nursing home or other supervised living situation for seniors.

And fear itself of falling can also increase your risk of falls.

You see, cutting back on exercise and physical activity may lead to loss of body strength, balance problems, decline in overall health, reduced muscle tone, and even depression. The effect of all these factors increases the likelihood of falling again - and it becomes a vicious cycle.

Most falls are preventable.

The first step should be to overcome fear and transform it into specific actions that will help you avoiding falls. 

Consider talking to your healthcare provider about your concerns, and please use the checklist below for learning how to reduce your risks of falling.

Tips for avoiding falls - Checklist

When you say “YES” to these questions below, the risk of falling is reduced.
  • Do you exercise on a regular basis?
Regular, moderate physical activity increases your muscle strength and balance.
  • Do you follow a balanced diet?
Good nutrition results in higher energy. And for stronger bones, remember to include calcium and vitamin D in your daily diet.
  • Have you already conducted a safety inspection of your home? 
Consider eliminating the most obvious hazards, e.g. poor lighting, throw rugs and clutter), and adding safety modifications, e.g. grab bars, non-slippery mats and night lights.
  • Do you take extra care? 
When you rise from your chair, stand for a few seconds before walking - it's safer in this fashion.
  • Do you wear the right shoes? 
Consider wearing low-heeled shoes with rubber soles for better traction, making sure they are fitted properly.
  • Has your healthcare provider reviewed your current medications? 
Make sure you report all medications you're currently taking, both prescription and over-the-counter, so that your healthcare provider can assess the benefits and risks of each drug. 
  • Have you discussed your fears with your healthcare provider? 
Tell your physician if you had already experienced a fall or if you are recently having some sort of dizziness, impaired vision, or balance problems. Balance classes, or physical therapy might be appropriate in order to help you walking more safely and learn how to get up correctly if you do fall. 
Being aware that in case of a fall, prompt help is available at the push of a button, can provide you with the confidence for being as active as possible.
No equipment to buy, no hidden fees, no long-term contract.
The time for Lifeline Medical Alarm is BEFORE a fall. Free Activation, here.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Safety Tips for Reducing the Risk of Falling at Home

Most falls at home can be prevented.

As we age, items in our own home that used to be virtually harmless may start posing a greater risk. Floors, carpets, stairs, pets - all can be dangerous. The good news is that most falls at home can be prevented.
So, start by visiting each room in your home, and look at the space objectively.
Ask yourself: is this safe? Would that make me fall? How could I improve the layout of each room, so I don’t have to worry about falling at home?

Overall safety issues

  1. Are all areas of my home well lit? Consider improving the lighting with light-sensitive nightlights and / or motion detector lights that turn on automatically.
  2. Are all floor coverings in good repair? Consider repairing torn / worn carpeting. Secure throw rugs with double-sided tape or no-slip rug pads - or simply remove such rugs entirely.
  3. Are the main walking areas free of obstacles? Consider rearranging furniture in order to allow a clear path at home. Keep plants, tables, etc., along walls or in corners. And clean up clutter.
  4. Are all phone and electric cords out of the way of walkways at home? Consider removing all cords from walkways.
No equipment to buy, no hidden fees, no long-term contract.
The time for Lifeline Medical Alarm is BEFORE a fall. Free Activation, here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Safety Checklist for Reducing Fall Risk at Home

A Safety Checklist for Reducing Fall Risk at Home

Get prompt caring assistance at the push of a button, 24 hours/day, 365 days/yr.
Gain confidence to maintain your independence at home

A new study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine found out that preventing falls at home and the resulting injuries can delay or reduce the need for moving to a long-term care facility.

Causes of falls in and around the home

1. Health and age-related changes

  • Problems with balance
  • Slower reflexes
  • Poorer eyesight
  • Usage of certain medications

2. Dangerous situations in the home

  • Slippery floors
  • Poor lighting
  • Electrical cords in pathways
  • Loose rugs
  • Raised thresholds
  • Extraneous clutter

According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Falls and Hip Fractures Among Older Adults, falls in and around the home are the most frequently occurring accident. In fact, falls are the leading cause of injury death among seniors.

Use this Safety Checklist to Minimize Fall Risk at Home

Inside your home

  • Remove all extraneous clutter in your house. 
  • Keep electrical cords and telephone out of pathways.
  • Tack rugs and glue vinyl flooring so they lie flat. And remove or replace rugs that tend to slip, or attach non-slip backing.
  • Do not stand on a chair for reaching stuff. And store frequently used objects in a place where you can reach them easily.

Outside your home 

  • Paint the edges of outdoor steps and any steps that are especially narrow or are higher or lower than the rest. 
  • Paint outside stairs with a mixture of sand and paint for better traction. Keep outdoor walkways clear and well-lit. 
  • Clear snow and ice from entrances and sidewalks. 

Bathroom tips 

  • Add grab bars in shower, tub and toilet areas. 
  • Use non-slip adhesive strips or a mat in your shower.
  • Consider using an elevated toilet seat. 
  • Consider sitting on a bench or stool in the shower.

Keep a well-lit home 

  • Have a lamp or light switch that you can easily reach without getting out of bed. 
  • Use night lights in the bedroom, bathroom and hallways. 
  • Keep a flashlight always handy. 
  • Have light switches at both ends of stairs and halls. Install handrails on both sides of stairs. Turn on the lights when you go into the house at night. 

Use care walking 

  • Use helping devices (such as canes), as directed by your healthcare provider. 
  • Wear non-slip, low-heeled shoes or slippers that fit comfortably. Avoid walking in stocking feet. 

And please don't forget... 

  • Review medications with your doctor (or pharmacist). Some drugs (including the ones for self-medication), can make you drowsy, unsteady, and even dizzy.
  • Have your eyesight and hearing tested. Vision deficiencies make it difficult to see potential hazards and inner ear problems can affect your balance while walking.
  • Discuss safe amounts of alcohol intake with your physician. 
  • Exercise regularly for improving your muscle flexibility, strength, and balance. Talk to your healthcare provider about exercise programs that are most appropriate for your current health conditions.
  • If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, sit down or stay seated until your head clears. Then, stand up slowly in order to to avoid unsteadiness. 

In the event of a fall, fast access to help is extremely important. 

Lifeline with AutoAlert can get you the help you need when you need it the most. And with the AutoAlert option, you can get help in two ways: 

  1. push the button at any time, or 
  2. if AutoAlert detects your fall and you're unable to push the button, it can automatically place a call on your behalf for help.
No equipment to buy, no hidden fees, no long-term contract.
The time for Lifeline Medical Alarm is BEFORE a fall. Free Activation, here.